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theodore altman


Teddy Altman

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Shape shifter, kree/skrull, boyfriend to Billy, fanboy. Anything more would be unrealistic. 


Teddy has blond hair and blue eyes. He is portrayed as white, but this is not a done deal in the web series yet. He is 6'0" canonically, but if you portray him well, you can be shorter than that and still play him. He is around 15-16. The youngest you can be to audition for Teddy is 15, and the oldest you can be is 17. Click below to read more about Teddy!  



Click below to see the script to audition with, and click on the 'Commitments' for the consent form! 

What to prepare


Teddy looks out for a lot of people. He tends to forget about taking care of himself, though. He's gay, and in love with Billy. His mom died when he was 15ish, and that scarred him. He's a fanboy of Iron Man and Captain America, and he tries to always do the right thing. 



Teddy is a pretty big role, with a lot of scenes and emotion. You wouldn't have a lot of down time between takes. This role would include play fighting, possible stunts, and kissing. 

How big of a role 

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