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Loki's ex/nemisis. Mother's right hand woman. Death glare specialist. 


NOTE: This character does not come in until the second season. 

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Leah has long black hair and emerald green eyes.  People who audition for her can be anywhere from 5'4" to 6'3". She is portrayed as white, but that is not a done deal in the web series yet.  You have to be 16 or older to audition for Leah, and the maximum age is 18. Click below to read more about Leah!



Click below to see the script to audition with, and click on 'Commitments' for the consent form! 

What to prepare


Leah is an aspect of Loki's personality. (I know, it's confusing.) She is a human embodiment of Loki's guilt. All of her actions are actually Loki trying to punish himself because of how guilty he feels about his own actions. She is enigmatic and mischievous.  She works with Mother to try and defeat the Young Avengers. 



Leah is a side character, but she is in a lot of the major scenes. You would have days you wouldn't have to come in a lot, but you would have lines to memorize. This role would include play fighting and possible stunts. 

How big of a role

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